Want to listen to the letters?

Look for a link at the bottom of some of the letters below - it’ll take you to YouTube and Hartford Community Access Television, where Sally Jensen and I discuss the letters.

Coming Soon… from the archives, early recordings of Dr. James Algiers reading his letters.

Abbey Algiers Abbey Algiers

The Next Five Years

Dear Louie,

About one month ago, in a writing course that I had begun but not finished, I wrote an assignment by hand on the topic of where I would be in the next five years.  The course director was assigning a generic lesson plan and didn't consider what five years at this stage might mean.  I did the prescribed lesson and, today reviewed what I had written.  

With my memory problems of the present, it was mostly all new stuff.

I will transcribe the assignment and let you shake your head and hopefully smile as you regard my slow decline.

I wrote:

In keeping with the lesson of the day, I will write my plans for the next 5 years.

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Abbey Algiers Abbey Algiers

Faith, Hope, and the Holidays

Dear Louie,

A long time ago, I wrote to you.

A longer time ago you replied. Now I write, soon you will reply, if the spirit moves.

Nothing new here in southeastern Wisconsin.  Without news what is there to discuss; death, taxes, left, right; conservative or liberal.  Much about nothing; viel über nichts!!

Here in the Garden City of Hartford, Wisconsin, nothing has happened and the odds are nothing will happen. The activity for the next week will be to prepare for the Christmas delivery of gifts to the poorer members of society, by us the aging decrepit, elderly guys who salve their conscience by aiding the less fortunate. Sounds like Scrooge - and it might be somewhat like Scrooge. Seems we do get crotchety as we age. But a group of us old geezers and younger ones do get together, prepare lists, beg for cooperation and attempt to aid our fellow friends during Christmas time.

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Abbey Algiers Abbey Algiers

A Shot and a Long Night

Dear Louie,

Allow me to use you and a letter as an outlet to an amazing night of no sleep.

Yesterday, I received bilateral injections of an epidural nature in the L4-L5 anatomy to hopefully relieve low back pain for aging spinal stenosis.  About ten years ago, I had an episode of back pain and was given a course of steroid injections with amazing relief.  This year, I irritated my condition by diligent gardening and, I suppose, by kneeling and praying for rain. Both results were less than hoped for, but both caused aggravation of lower back pain. Exercise helped, but the pain persisted. 

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Abbey Algiers Abbey Algiers

The River

Dear Louie,

You might have seen this letter before, but thought you might enjoy it again - long ago, we were young.

The River

One of the constants but not one of the major elements or features of Hartford has been and is the Rubicon River. In 1935 the WPA built attractive stone buildings for events and storage. The river was widened as a swimming hole and wading pond. In today’s standard the pond would be a mud hole, but in 1935 it was a charming swimming hole where we would congregate for summer afternoons.

There under the tutelage of Mrs Ulrich, a recreational program was held. Most of the attendants were kindly leaders, untrained, but attentive and inventive. Running races, baseball games, playing on the swings, climbing ladders and trees, sunning on the banks… all activities of summer were carried out.

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Abbey Algiers Abbey Algiers

Thoughts on Generating Thoughts

Dear Louie,

During the past two weeks, I have had a period of absence of good productive thoughts, a time of almost lack of thinking, a time of difficulty in coming to conclusions, of making judgments, of proceeding in writing, but a time of some accomplishment.

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Abbey Algiers Abbey Algiers

Two Days in June, 68 Years Apart

Hi Louie,

June 6 , 1944 was a great day, an important day for me; after two years, nine months of which were spent on Adak, I was discharged from the USNR.

June 6, 2012 was a day of awakening for me. June 6, 2012, I
attended a funeral for the wife of a classmate from med school. It was as awakening to me as much as the discharge from Adak; but for unrelated reasons.

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Abbey Algiers Abbey Algiers

Inflation, Deflation, Stagnation, and Coffee - $2.25

Dear Louie,
Over the past four years a group of “young men” in old body frames have met four to five mornings each week for coffee, tea, and conversation. Each morning is a free association conversation with a wide variety of themes; ample swings of emotions, and examples of tolerance, learning, and what at times passes for wisdom, but if the truth be recognized, are examples of partial thought recall and often staggering memory loss and confabulatory substitution.

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Abbey Algiers Abbey Algiers

Golf… Thanks for the Memories


I sent this to one of my golfing buddies a few weeks ago.

Golf is a great game.

A greater game when shared with friends.



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Abbey Algiers Abbey Algiers

A Life, A Career, A Look Back

A Life, A Career, A Look Back

I was born March 14, 1926, in Hartford, WI., and have lived there my lifetime. I was born in the hospital where, later, for 40 years, I practiced medicine: six years in General Practice and thirty-four years in Internal Medicine.

I attended grade school at St. Kilian School, from which I received the 2005 Distinguished Graduate Award. I graduated from Hartford High School in 1944 and immediately entered the U.S. Navy, spending ten months on the island paradise of Attu in the Behring Sea as an electrician and teletype repair man.

I had always desired to study medicine and was disappointed in being directed to an Electrician’s School rather than into the Navy Medical Corps- their loss. On discharge, I enrolled at Marquette University for premed and later was accepted at Marquette University School of Medicine, from which I graduated in 1953. I am a member of AOA.

Following graduation, I interned at St. Joseph’s Hospital, Milwaukee, and there was introduced to the concept of Internal Medicine under the instruction of Sam Rosenthal, M.D. , the most intuitive practitioner I have ever met.

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Abbey Algiers Abbey Algiers

We Are All at the Gold Tees

Dear Louie,

As one ages, age becomes an accepted associate. All or most of our actions are controlled by, modified, stimulated, or inhibited by advancing age and associated problems. Initially, we laugh about aches and pains, clumsiness of actions, or memory loss. Later, we rue the day of aging and wonder where youth, or at least middle age, has gone. We laugh at forgetfulness and silently curse the missed appointment, we recall days of full calendars, but are happy with a day without ringing telephones.

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Abbey Algiers Abbey Algiers

Don’t Cry For Me

Dear Louie,

So often after the fact, after the death, after the divorce, after the auto accident, the survivors, those interested in the tragedy, those who lend aid, those folks who have stood by are left with nothing, a real loss and emptiness of spirit. Because one is empathetic, caring, and attentive does not guaranty peace and calmness after the loss.

I well recall a two a.m. visit to the medical floor of the hospital. I was summoned by the charge nurse to attend a critically ill patient, a patient of one of the older physicians of the community. On arrival, I was greeted by the charge nurse, who also was the night nurse on duty. She was distressed and agitated.

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Abbey Algiers Abbey Algiers

Into the New Year

One of the Letters to Louie where both JLA and Louie talk about moving into the New Year… wishing they could do so with the same gusto as when they were younger. A story about adjusting to physical limitations as we age.

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Abbey Algiers Abbey Algiers

Dr. Horowitz’s Snake Oil

Dear Louie,

During the early to mid-nineteen fifties, an annual Medicine Show would appear in town and be set up at the Schwartz Park. There, for two nights, many would assemble and, in a carnival atmosphere, listen attentively to the pitchmen of the Show. Tonics were sold, diagnoses were suggested to the crowd, and all sorts of ailments were addressed. Music, talking, and showmanship addressed many complaints of the crowds. The power of suggestion of the pitchman convinced many of diagnoses and cures…

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Abbey Algiers Abbey Algiers

Honor Flight

Dear Louie,

I believe I wrote to you that I would be attending an Honor Flight to Washington D.C. as a guest of the program for veterans of WWII. On November 3, I was privileged to be a guest and travel with my son, a Naval Veteran, to the Memorial of WWII. The trip was remarkable in content, in organization, and most impressively in participation of, yes, thousands of interested men, women, and children, who stood in greeting to us at Mitchell Field and Dallas Airport in Washington D.C. The flight originated at Mitchell Field at 5 a.m. with registration, pictures, and I.D.s for the day.

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Abbey Algiers Abbey Algiers

Another Departure

Hi Louie, Charles, and Bob,

Our friend Tom W. died yesterday. He had been very ill for the past year, suffering from probably pulmonary fibrosis secondary to farmers' silo disease, a disease of exposure to nitrogenous materials occurring when silos were opened from the top.

This occurred many years ago and produced gradual lung destruction. I saw him a few weeks ago, and he was realistically awaiting some infection to take him. He thought he might have made it through the winter. Emmy B. is in a nursing home and has some dementia.

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Abbey Algiers Abbey Algiers

75 Years of Friendship

75 Years of Friendship… has a way of conjuring up many memories and is proof that the friends we make when we’re young are true & lasting.

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Abbey Algiers Abbey Algiers

Allow Me

We take so much for granted; awakening in the a.m., getting up, dressing, and going about our "chores,” and as we age… just going about. Recently, I’ve been troubled with symptoms of spinal stenosis, which cause distress - greater distress than I would like to acknowledge.

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