The “Letters to Louie” Project
Dear Louie,
It all started with an email…
Sometime in his early 80’s my dad sent an email to his childhood friend Louie, who he hadn’t seen in years. My dad loved writing, and spent a lot of time at his computer early in the morning. He heard that Louie was going through a rough time, health-wise. In order to encourage his friend, and hopefully reconnect, he sent an email. Louie wrote back. Soon, a regular communication between the two old friends was established. Sometimes the emails were about health concerns or current events. Sometimes they were family updates. But they developed into anything and everything - from memories of the past to updates on classmates to commentary on the past and present political situation.
What was consistent was my dad’s commitment to emailing Louie, He said he felt the emails helped Louie; reminding him that no matter how many years had passed, that he had a friend who cared enough to reach out.
What became evident was that the emails didn’t just help Louie. They helped my dad as well. They gave him an outlet for years of stories and thoughts, and the forum to share what was on his mind.
Then my dad shared some of the letters with my family and me.
We were blown away.
The letters were really good.
(I’m talking REALLY GOOD.)
We encouraged him to keep writing. At one point, they were so good that my sister and I had to ask… WAS LOUIE EVEN REAL? Or was Louie the portal to a best selling book that gave lessons and entertainment to young and old?
Well, Louie was real. And, with our encouragement, my dad began sharing the letters with other childhood friends who he happened to still see on a daily basis at his coffee clutch.
His friends were also blown away.
The coffee clutch got to talking about the letters, and word spread that Doc was a good writer. Then a TV producer from their local Cable Access Channel got wind of the letters. She asked my dad to read his letters on a local TV show. He saw it as an opportunity to share parts of his town’s history as well as stories about medicine and life in general - and how they both changed yet stayed the same over the course of time. It seemed that every letter had a universal theme and lesson.
As years went on, my dad and mom left their hometown for a senior living community. Here they were surrounded by new friends with similar life experiences. My dad began sharing his letters during Sunday night story telling sessions, and again - the letters were a big hit.
It became evident that no matter the audience, the reaction was the same.
Everyone loved the Letters to Louie.
All along, I’d tell my dad… these letters should be a book! His response?
My dad told me, “When I’m gone, you do something with the letters.”
I’m doing something with the letters now…
Sadly, my dad moved on to the “Great Beyond” in May of 2020, and these letters are more important than ever. They have served as a way for my family and me to continue to hear his stories, wisdom, and humor. But beyond that, they hold a message that I think the world needs to hear right now.
It’s been a wonderful gift to read through the collection of memories that spans over 70 years.
I’m excited to share the messages with you.